Now that that's out of the way, I've hit what I am calling a "plateau in my sanity" this week. Why you ask? It could be the fact that I can no longer sleep through the night since I wake up multiple times to:
a. pee
b. eat
c. shift around uncomfortably in bed
d. kick my husband for putting me into this particular state of discomfort
e. bolt upright in cold sweats thinking about raising a child
I suppose this is all good training for the sleep deprivation I'm about to endure at the hands of my tiny, tyrant fetus but at the moment it just sucks. And you know what I could really use?
It is the height of irony that the moment you find out you can't drink for 9 months is the moment you need one the worst. When I peed on that fateful stick in February (at work no less) I almost got down on my knees and bargained away my soul to Sweet Baby Lucifer in exchange for a Gin & Tonic that wouldn't grow babyVal an extra big toe. And even though I've heard the requisite calming anecdotes, "A little sip won't hurt" or "The Irish say that Guinness is good for babies" or "My drunk Aunt Sally drank martinis all through her pregnancy and cousin Ralph is fine! He's getting out of prison any day now!" I remain firmly on the sobriety train for now.
Everyone told me that being pregnant during the summer would suck. I assumed it was because of the heat but no, it's because everywhere you look the NON knocked up crowd is enjoying the pleasures of summer...margaritas, mojitos, summer beers, meat grilled to medium rare perfection...and I can't have ANY of it. And there is only so much lemonade I can handle people. I WANT A DAMN MARGARITA!
Side note: I think I yelled that very same thing about 90 minutes before babyVal was conceived. But I digress.
Back to the point. Worse than actually not being able to drink wine for 9 months are the smug, glowy, mother Earth types that tell you with a straight face that they "Didn't even miss it." I stare back into their glassy eyes and announce, "Bullshit". If you tell me you didn't miss it for 9 months I'm going to assume one of the following is true:
a. you are a pathological liar
b. you are Mormon/Duggar style Christian or have other religious reasons that preclude you from drinking
c. you are a pathological liar
d. you are a sadist who enjoys torturing a pregnant woman on the edge
Whatever the reason, should you stumble upon me in real life and find me staring longingly into an empty champagne flute, don't judge me. Don't tell me that O'Douls tasted just like real beer or that it was great for your skin or that you loved the energy that comes with sobriety. Just pat me on the back, tell me it'll be over soon and that one day I'll laugh when I spy some miserable sober pregnant lady across the bar.
Honestly, my husband makes a fabulous virgin mojito. I call it a faux-jito. Get Mr. Val on that shit!
ReplyDeleteI want a bellini, I want a beer, I want a crisp glass of Rose', I want a ginger lemon drop, I want a margarita, I want to share a bottle of cab franc with my husband, I want a bottle of prosecco for just me, I want sangria, I want tawny, I'd try a little whiskey, I want a wiki-waki-woo....
ReplyDeleteNo wonder I eat so much damn ice cream.
Ahhhh, this is funny because I know I've been one of those "Mother Earth" types that have said to you "I didn't even miss it". However, in my defense, I had 2 kids before I was even LEGALLY allowed to drink! So, for that reason alone, alcohol wasn't in my radar much. Then, by the time I had my 3rd, 4th and 5th child, I was just so darn exhausted that all I wanted to do was sleep in my free moments......which weren't many. Ha!Ha!
ReplyDeleteKind of like that Everybody Loves Ray episode where Ray and Debra go on "vacation" to the apple orchard and end up sleeping all weekend. That was me 10 years ago. But as you well know, I'm making up for it in SPADES! Ha! So, don't dishearten sweetie. Soon, you will have a glass of wine in your hand.
I will deliver a bottle to you the day you spit out BabyVal!!!! In celebration of course!!! Til then, sorry sweet girl - it'll be over soon - hey we will celebrate when you get there!!! PS- Sorry for getting married in the middle of all this, must have been tough sitting there while we were all belly up to the open bar.... :)