1. Watch as much girly entertainment as humanly possible. Here is some of the mindless crap I have watched while my husband is away: 27 Dresses, Bride Wars, My Sister's Keeper, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (1 & 2), The Devil Wears Prada (like 1000 times), Sex & the City (naturally), About a Boy...the list goes on and on. I do draw the line at anything starring Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock or Jessica Simpson though. I have standards people.
2. Clean. I love to clean. The dirtier the better. The mister helps as much as he can, but let's get real; the average dude just doesn't clean things well enough. Mr. Valentine would clean everything with 409 and the kitchen sponge if left to his own devices. When he's gone I get to be as obsessive compulsive as I want and it is AWESOME. Incidentally, this is how I clean out the old, worn out undershirts he refuses to toss. I just throw them out when he's gone, buy new ones and put them in his drawers. Best part? He never notices.
3. Shop. (Insert evil cackle) My husband is very good to me and virtually never says no when I want to buy something. (Smart guy) That said, shopping alone is SO much better than shopping with a dude. I can take my time, try on as much as I want, put stuff on hold, stop for coffee and then decide. And no matter what the price I can figure out a way to convince him I needed it. (see aforementioned statement about him never saying no. I have my ways.)
So that is what I'll be doing for the next 4 days, that plus seeing my family & some friends. It'll be fun, as usual, but truth is it's just how I fill my time until my best friend comes home.
I loooove 27 Dresses! I could watch James Marsden over and over. ::sigh:: I lub him.