Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Look.

My first order of business in 2010 was to get a new blog template, hope you like it. I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions as they more often than not set you up for failure, so instead, I've got some goals for 2010.

1. Learn how to use my new camera. Between my awesome family, friends and Mr. Valentine, I was able to purchase this sexy little number:

Trouble is, I have no idea how to use it. I refuse to be the girl who has an awesome camera that never leaves auto mode so I've signed up for a photography class here in town and hope to post many envy inducing photos of my dogs, husband and cheese very soon.

2. Get back to my pre-marriage weight. I, like many newlyweds, spent the first year and a half of marriage making googly eyes at my husband over wine and cheese. It's a jolly nice way to spend your time, but unless I want to be forklifted out of my house in a year I need to dial it down a notch. This means back to the gym 5 days a week and to resist the drug pushers that work the Whole Foods cheese counter.

3. Stop swearing. I swear like Chicagoans vote, early and often. It's not really my fault, my dad is a chef and if you've spent any time in a restaurant kitchen you know that Mother Teresa would come out of one swearing like a sailor on leave. I can swear in English, French and Spanish. My dad taught me how to say "shit" in French when I was a little girl, so as you can see I never really had a chance. But it is a nasty habit that I need to kick before me and the hubs procreate. I don't really want to raise a mini Andrew Dice Clay.

There are goals of other natures too: financial, career and marriage goals, but I've learned that the only people who want to hear about those are your best friends, dogs and therapists, who incidentally are paid to care.


  1. I like your new look, and that picture is great!

    I need to get back to my pre-marriage weight too. The sad thing is I've been married a little less than three months. :(

  2. Yay for the new camera! I am planning to buy a DSLR within the next few weeks and I have no idea what I'm doing either!
