You really see the best or worst when you are among the crush of humanity that is downtown Chicago at rush hour. Take this morning for example. For some presently unexplained reason, the Metra has been running 15-20 minutes late this week. (The Chicago RTA doesn't seem to concerned, so apparently, neither should I.) This has created a bottle neck on all trains and therefore a lack of seats.
As I went to get on the train, a middle aged man literally tried to push me out of the way to get on the train first. I, being my politely passive agressive self swung my giant purse towards him (maybe it hit him, I'm not really sure) and created a fashionable moat of sorts to keep him at bay. I heard him huff and puff and say something under his breath to which I cheerfully chirped, "I'm sorry, what was that?" He just stared at me and shuffled to the next car. Problem solved.
I interupt my discourse to encourage you ladies to use this story to illustrate the importance of accessories the next time your husband questions your need for another purse. A well placed purse can be the difference b/t a happy fetus and cankles. Just sayin'.
I successfully navigated my way on the train only to find that there were no seats. You learn quickly in a big city that being with child/elderly/infirm does not apparently engender the type of chilvary one would hope. I resigned myself to my fate and moved towards the front of the car where I could at least hang on to a bar for dear life as the train hurtled toward the Loop. All of the sudden someone tapped my shoulder and a young man, about 20, told me to take his seat.
And just like that, my faith in humanity restored. It's good to know that there are still people in the world who don't suck. I hope the universe sends some kindness your way dude because you seriously made my morning.
AGREED. I get physically angry everyday on the ride home, this is when it is the worst for the #20. My favorite was the ride home when VERY STANDING PASSENGER was FEMALE. (Very few gentlemen out there!)
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame that kindness is so infrequent nowadays. My husband is always quick to offer a seat, open a door, etc for people and every time it's met with pure shock that someone would do something nice for a stranger when in fact it should just be commonplace.
ReplyDeleteI know a woman in Ft. Madison who was standing in line at the Hy-Vee to pay for her groceries when another lady (a stranger) came up behind her and told her about the great sale on grapefruits. When my friend expressed interest, the lady (a stranger) said "Oh, I will go get some for you" and ran to the produce section to bring my friend (a stranger) the great priced grapefruit!
ReplyDeleteTHAT's why Ft. Madison is better than Chicago!