I don't begrudge anyone comfort. Really I don't. I have a makeshift Snuggie myself, although mine is just a blanket that Jake chewed a hole in. Do I secretly like it in the privacy of my own home? Yes. Would I wear it around town? Nooooooo.
This commercial offends my sensibilities on many levels. First is the implication that it is appropriate to wear a blanket out and about to say, a soccer game. It's not. I played many many sports growing up. My parents shuttled me around to soccer, diving, swimming, water polo and music. I'm pretty sure they mustered up the energy to thrown on jeans before leaving the house. But I digress.
This is not the worst part though. The most egregious part of the commercial is that they have expanded their product line. I give you Exhibit A:

DOGS PEOPLE. If you and your Stepford family want to raise the roof in your Snuggies, knock yourself out, but do not, I repeat DO NOT inflict said trauma on a helpless little pooch. This dog would be totally justified in ripping out the jugular vein of whoever did this.
My cool points are going to go down in your book but I have seriously debated getting one of these hideous things for my little female. She FREEZES and her favorite blanket is a fleece blanket which she pulls up with her teeth, climbs under and burrows into. I've never been a clothing advocate for dogs, but this dog will literally dive into a doggie sweater if you hold it out because she is so cold natured. Doggie Snuggie: Hideously Ugly Buying it for a purpose: Possibility. My internet shame is complete. I may be embracing the doggie snuggie. I will post pictures of my humiliation if I commit though. :P